Journey toward Software Development

As a first generation college graduate, it has been instilled in me to be a life-long learner. Tackling a bachelor's and Master's degree - and starting my career in 2018, I felt I was longing for more opportunities to grow and learn; more challenges! I found myself learning Front-End Development through SheCodes, and I couldn't stop learning more! I took a few UX Design and Research courses through Coursera, and then finally completed a 30-week intense bootcamp through TechElevator where I learned Java, SQL, and Unit Testing. Check out some of my work below, including my latest project! See how far I've come.

Travel Application Code

My newest project from my time at Tech Elevator! This travel website allows users to browse packages without logging in and offers additional features for registered users, like adding items to a shopping cart. I used Java with Spring Boot for the backend to handle secure user authentication and manage product data, ensuring only logged-in users can make purchases. The frontend, built with Vue.js, provides a dynamic, responsive interface where users can easily register, log in, and interact with their cart in real-time. This project showcases my skills in building full-stack applications using Java and Vue.js.

Currently, this is a work-in-progress - stay tuned for a website in the future!
First Project

Coraline Project

My first project toward front-end development! I learned basic HTML, CSS, and an introduction to JavaScript coding. I was able to style with gradients, used various in-line and block elements, and created a pop-up window function to obtain information.

Weather Search using React.js

This more advanced project is where I learned how to utilize JavaScript/React.js into a functioning weather application. Some additional features in this project include the use of APIs, writing code to respond to the search bar, converting temperature from farenheit to celsius, and enabling location to view local weather.

This project was initially written using only JavaScript; you can view this version here.
Weather Project
Dictionary Project

Dictionary Search

Continued to practice my skills and knowledge of React.js and the use of APIs in this project. Like the weather application, this dictionary application changes based on what you enter.
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🌺This project is open-sourced and created by Sina Akther.
Last updated 2024 November.